MB Zen is a dietary supplement consisting of tryptophan, a natural precursor of serotonin and which contributes to the maintenance of optimal emotional health and a good night's sleep. MB Zen also contains plant extracts from passion flower, hawthorn and saffron. Indian ginseng (Aschwaganda) was added to MB Zen as an adaptogen.
MB Zen is a dietary supplement consisting of tryptophan, a natural precursor of serotonin and which contributes to the maintenance of optimal emotional health and a good night's sleep. MB Zen also contains plant extracts from passion flower, hawthorn and saffron. MB Zen is part of a specific health concept - Mood Balance Concept.
Indian ginseng (Aschwaganda) was added to MB Zen as an adaptogen.
2 à 3 vcaps per dag 's avonds
1 vcap om 17:00u & 1 à 2 vcaps voor het slapengaan.
In geval van gebruik van antidepressieva, raadpleeg eerst uw arts of apotheker.